Wildfire Gospel

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"And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Luke 10:2)

The 10:2b Virus

Since 2001, I have been infected by a virus that has changed my life and outlook. It is a spiritual virus, not physical, and I would like to pass it on to you. I call it the10:2b virus, from Luke 10:2b. I have set an alarm to go off every day at 10:02 am to remind me to pray that we will experience the plentiful harvest. It doesn’t matter who I am with at 10:02 am; when the alarm goes off, I invite them to join me in my call to prayer. My prayers are for the good of the community, and for God to raise up women and men who will be bold to share the good news of Jesus. I also beg God to set my heart on fire with the things that set His heart on fire. Why not put this article down right now, and set your own alarm for 10:02 am or a time that is convenient for you?

I am amazed at how direct Jesus is on this topic of a ripe harvest and the need for us to pray for more workers. I am also amazed at how many believers and church leaders do not follow this command of Jesus on a daily basis. When we obey His instructions, we make room in our hearts for His wildfire for the souls of friends, neighbors, and even strangers.


Prayer and action are both vital and should go hand–in–hand on our faith journeys. God responds to our prayers for souls to come into His kingdom in both direct and subtle ways, so if we pray, we should be ready to act on opportunities!

I recently challenged a group of believers to ask God to give them a few souls to sow into and harvest for His Kingdom. “Beg God,” I urged, “and don’t stop until He answers!”  A few weeks later when this group met again, one of the men shared that he took my challenge seriously and began praying. After a few days of begging God to bring people into his life who were hungry for him, nothing happened. He began to think that praying the same thing, over and over again, wasn’t getting any results, but he kept on praying.

A couple of days later his neighbor came across the street to chat, so he followed the lead of the Spirit and shared his story and asked some spiritual questions. That’s when he learned that his neighbor had been seeking a fresh spiritual direction. The next day, one of his co-workers admitted that he had been away from God for years and wanted to reconnect, but was not interested in the commercial side of the church. You could not stop this man in our church from beaming. It required prayer, conversation, and acts of love, but he finally saw results. These men have begun to meet together to discuss the Word, admit their mistakes, and pray for others to join them in pursuing Christ. I believe that a new church is about to start!

You can find more free encouragement, video's and podcasts on evangelism at wildfiregospel.com